Friday, April 8, 2011

SYRIA: Authorities in the blood repress a demonstration in Deraa

Thirteen demonstrators were killed and dozens wounded Friday by gunfire from security forces in Dera (100 km south of Damascus), where several thousand people demonstrated after prayers, according to revised figures provided to AFP by activist for human rights.

A previous report from the same source reported the deaths of seven people in this city, the epicenter of protest against the regime.

"Members of the security services in civilian clothes opened fire to disperse the protesters after the prayer," said the activist reached by telephone.

According to him, thirteen identified protesters were killed and dozens wounded by fire from security forces.

The demonstrators then set fire to a seat of the ruling party, the Baath in the city.

The official media have referred two deaths, a member of the security services and an ambulance, and dozens of wounded civilians, police and security services hit by gunfire attributed to "armed men opened fire on the crowd ".

Syria was the scene since mid-March of a protest movement unprecedented regime of Bashar al-Assad.